Doughsie Dough

Show Your Love
Jan 18, 2020
This year, make your child's Valentine hand outs a little more meaningful and special. We are now offering our small, On the Dough kits that would perfectly pair with a sweet Valentine note...

Sensory Play Gift Guide
Nov 21, 2019
The best time of the year is almost here! We are so excited for the holiday season and the traditions that come with it. We are so thankful for all of the love and support we have felt this year! In celebration...

Making Space
Jun 04, 2019
It has been our experience that establishing a designated spot for children to create, craft, color, learn, and more, is an effective way for them to either start building their independence...
The Importance of Play
Apr 20, 2019
Helping your kids utilize their imaginations is very important - especially in this day and age. With technology readily available, kids are growing up much faster than they use to. Luckily, Doughsie Dough encourages hands-on imagination...